
mercoledì 9 settembre 2009

new pattern - Allegra's Cover

Our friends' little baby is born:) The most beautiful experience of life, the most incredible journey:) For the occasion I have created this little cover and I have designed the pattern to celebrate such a unique event.
Matilde wanted to test the softness of the cover and she has decided that she wanted one for herself...and I am here knitting another Allegra's Cover.

4 commenti:

  1. Emma sai creare delle cose straordinarie!

  2. Emma, capito qui per caso (il mio blog parla di cucina), perché ho la passione della maglia anch'io... ma qui cìè una miniera di idee! Mi piace, tra un'infornata e l'altra... magari...

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! And this cover is adorable--a great way to celebrate an arrival!
