I wanted a new shoulder wrap with armholes so I created this confortable pattern with a bamboo yarn I had bought at La Droguerie in Paris. I love to play with rectangles while designing and I am happy of the result of this wrap: it drapes loosely around the body and moves gently with the figure. Thanks to the crocheted edgings of the armholes, they are round even if worked as rectangles. This is a perfect project for beginners who want to adventure in a shoulder wrap or an easy evening project for the more experienced knitters.
domenica 28 giugno 2009
domenica 21 giugno 2009
little shrug
I made three of them...I started with the first one, for myself, I wanted a soft shrug....but then my dayghters had fallen in love with the red one made by Azzuka.... www.azzuknits.blogspot.com
and they wanted the real one (as they said) ...so I knitted other two little shrugs...and now I want one two, that fits as it should...
mercoledì 17 giugno 2009
liesl for a special occasion
mercoledì 10 giugno 2009
Paris Shawl
Avevo lasciato tutti i progetti su cui stavo lavorando a casa, sarei riuscita a non usare i ferri e a sentire la lana scorrere tra le dita per tre giorni...invece no, ho comprato della meravigliosa Alpaca (quella nelle prime foto) e dei ferri di bamboo. La sera stessa, quando le bimbe si sono addormentate, ho iniziato a knittare una stola con un disegno da me creato e l'ho chiamato Emma's Paris Shawl.
Per verificare il modello ho usato un altro filato molto bello tinto a mano da una svedese, ChiliGredelin (www.chiligredelin.se).
A beautiful weekend in Paris with my family and a store to visit, La Droguerie. My friend Azzuka ( http://azzuknits.blogspot.com ) had told me that I would have fallen in love with the yarn... and it did happen...
I had left all my projects at home believing that I could stay some days without knitting. It wasn't true, I bought some incredible Alpaca (the one in the first pictures) and some bamboo needles. The same evening, when the girls had fallen asleep, I have started to knit this shawl designed by myself and I have called it Emma's Paris Shawl.
To test the pattern I have used another beautiful yarn hand-dyed by a Swedish woman, ChiliGredelin (www.chiligredelin.se)
mercoledì 3 giugno 2009
Ho creato questi due dishcloth nei miei colori preferiti per una persona speciale che si chiama Mary Ann per un Tea Swap. Mi sono divertita a inventare il pattern e a strutturare il modello, i filati morbidi e piacevoli hanno aiutato (per non parlare dei colori che mi riempiono di gioia al solo sguardo).
Il Clapotis...quasi finito...ma fa ancora troppo caldo. I colori sono stupendi, sono felice di come si sta srotolando la matassa.
I have created these two dishcloths in my favorite colors for a very special person, Mary Ann, for a Tea Swap. I enjoyed myself in designing and knitting the pattern, the soft and lovely cotton yarns helped (and of course the colors, that make me happy by just looking at them).
The Clapotis...I have almost finished it, but it still too hot...but the colors are beautiful and I am happy for how it is working out the yarn.
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